… che poi è tra le ultime, vista l’ora.
Ti avevo visto alzare e sono corso a immortalare
l’ectoplasma che andava a fumare.
Per le altre, quelle del reading c’è da aspettare ancora un po’.
saluti Mario

….Le mie mani…..piene di
colore ruvido,è sangue unito a polvere.
Mario serra

Annegret Buchholtz
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Press and Public Relations
Bischofsgartenstraße 1, 50667 Köln
Telefon 0221 – 221 – 23491
Telefax 0221 – 221 – 24114
INVITATION TO THE PRESS CONFERENCE Piet Mondrian. from Picture to Depiction Thursday, 13 December 2007, 11 a.m.
Dear Antonio Picariello,
from 14 December 2007 to 30 March 2008 Museum Ludwig will be host to one of the largest and foremost Mondrian Collections in the world. It will come to Cologne from the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague. This incomparable collection gives a fascinating look at the way Mondrian’s oeuvre developed from its early beginnings to the late work. With some 70 paintings and works on paper, the exhibition charts Mondrian’s course from his early Impressionist works in the manner of the Hague School, via his encounters with the analytic Cubism of Braque and Picasso which took him to abstraction, on to the founding of De Stijl (together with Theo van Doesburg) in 1917, and finally to Neoplasticism.
It goes without saying that the exhibition will include those icons of classical modernism – his compositions featuring red, yellow, and blue rectangles in a system of black and white right-angled grids. These have advanced to become the artist’s signature works, and proved to be popular motifs for fashion and advertising.Â
The exhibition will highlight the artistic process that Mondrian underwent on his road to abstraction.Â
Parallel to the Mondrian exhibition in Cologne, Museum Ludwig will lend its Picasso collection to The Hague. This is the third largest collection of works by Pablo Picasso in the world. It gives a stunning overview of all the phases and techniques in the vast oeuvre of this genius, who is surely the most famous artist of the 20th century. It will be on view to the Dutch public from 14 December 2007 until 30 March 2008 at the Gemeentemuseum in The Hague.
During the same period the “Dürersaal” on the first floor at Museum Ludwig, together with eight windows scattered about the Museum, will feature the exhibition Ulrich Rückriem – Icarus / 7 Points, 7 Lines, 5 Surfaces. In recent years the sculptor Ulr ich Rückriem has concentrated increasingly on drawing concepts that can no longer be grasped as traditional sculptor’s drawings, but rather as renderings of his language of sculptural forms on paper. Thus the drawing concept at the back of “Icarus” centres on distributing seven points on a grid like a chessboard in such a way that they can all be linked together by straight lines that only cross each point once before returning to the point of departure. This results in numerous variations of a geometrical figure constructed solely with acute angles, which will be mounted on the walls of the exhibition space, and the windows and entrance doors to the Museum.Â
You will have the opportunity to view Ulrich Rückriem’s exhibition after the press conference for “Mondrian. From Picture to Depiction”.
Museum LudwigÂ
Press and Public Relations
Anne Buchholtz
Telephone: 0221/221 2 34 91& nbsp;
Fax: 0221/221 24114
To the Press Conference
Mondrian. From Picture to Depiction
on Thursday, 13 December, 11 a.m.
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If you do not want to receive any further press releases from Museum Ludwig, Cologne, please send an email to


Gentilissimo Antonio,
Come ti accennavo per telefono m’interessa tutto ciò che è anima, l’anima è anche cultura e che cultura, è esperienza profonda di vita.
Viviamo in un periodo dove l’arte è un prodotto soggetto alle regole del mercato e dell’industria con il solo fine di “creatività â€, l’anima è messa da parte, (non produce ricchezza economica…).
 Due facce inseparabili per la sopravvivenza dell’estetica, l’anima e la creatività , sono esigenze archetipiche dell’uomo, un’aspirazione verso il divino.
E’ indispensabile un equilibrio tra etica ed estetica.
Paradossalmente oggi, in quest’epoca piena di velocità d’immagini, di virtuosismo, c’è bisogno di “animaâ€.
Punto il dito contro l’arroganza del potere economico e politico all’estremo conformismo, alla piattezza spirituale, al “palazzoâ€.
La piazza luogo ove s’incontrano anime di diversa intensità , ma egualmente vive, è scomparsa e con essa la scomparsa dell’estetica.
La creazione artistica si è fatta sempre più autoreferenziale, arroccata all’interno di “palazzi privatiâ€, (ove per entrarci si deve pagare), nemici della collettività .
Personalmente voglio tornare al tempo del sogno, dove regna il nulla, dove tutto entra, dove si custodiscono segreti, dove il colore scorre a fiumi, le immagini si concretizzano per incanto e scorrono via come acqua, dove gettare mille semi per ottenere un sol fiore, dove c’è abbondanza d’anima, abbondanza di realtà .
Mario serra

 “Corteggiamento del sublime in anticipo alla III guerra mondiale†fino al 10 dicembre
a cura di a.Picariello- g.Siano